Channel: Paternity Court
Category: Entertainment
Tags: ancestry23 and memaurypaternity testbiological fatherdouble episodestv full episodesfull episodefather's dayyou are the fatherpaternity court full episodedna testwendy williamsjudge judycourt showcouples courtmaury showmgm studiosnot the fatherdna testingpaternity courtyou are not the fatherjudge faithjudge rinderdivorce courtmaury povichseason 5highlightsbabycompilationsseason 5 full episodessteve wilkos
Description: 1. Haralson v. Smith - After nineteen years of paying for child support, this Detriot man finally meets his alleged daughter yet denies paternity. 2. Bruce v. Miller - A Florida woman comes to court to uncover the truth behind her ex-boyfriends constant denial of her one-year-old daughter. Subscribe: Follow Paternity Court on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @PaternityCourtTV Follow MGM Television on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @MGM_Television Double Episode: 19 Years of Child Support But Is He the Father? | Paternity Court #PaternityCourt #LaurenLake